Friday, December 18, 2015

Over The Break and Sharing My Story - Your Story...

Dearest Families!
Mrs. Benoy, Mrs. Weaver,  Mr. Crouse with some holiday cheer!

I canNOT believe that we are already at the halfway point!  What an amazing first half it has been!  I cannot say thank you enough for the parental support you have given.  Fifth grade has been ANYTHING but easy from the first day. While I've logged long hours and sleepless nights, that means nothing without the effort that your children have put into the real growth and learning.  You are an amazing group to work with and I am thankful for the experience.  

A Couple of Highlights...
I am super honored by the privelege to teach this compassionate and heart-led young lady.  This month she gained national recognition by +Discovery Education for her contribution to the #CelebratewithDE when she wanted to invent the new holiday Thanksgiving 2.0   - click here to learn more about DaJonae and her great idea where we invite you to be a part!  

There are no words to express my appreciation for the work of +Dean Shareski and his amazing talent shown in this video where he told my story - which is also the story of your students and the work they are doing.  

In Closing...
With this year quickly approaching our rear view mirrors and becoming history ... I can't imagine what the rest of this school year, the first part of 2016, is going to look like!  I'm simply honored to be a part of it with you!  

Happy New Year - 2016!!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


 As We Enter This Season of ThanksI am ever so thankful for the opportunity to work with you and your students.  Take time to appreciate each other.  Take time to tell someone you love them.  Take time for you.

Below you will find a link to the +30hands video that summarizes our field trip today from the +Greensboro Science Center .  The Vandalia 5th graders made our school and district look good as they learned about matter, energy, and weather.  They had real time experience with the way octopi move through the water.  It was a great experience and I am proud to be a part of it!  Please enjoy the show!  - and again, Happy Thanksgiving - one and all!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Evaluating Numeric Expressions - 5.OA.1 and .2

Okay ---
It sounds scary - I know!  Operations and Algebraic expressions aren't as bad as they seem.  To get a head start on what is to come next week - take your student through these examples.  Feel free to comment below - start a conversation about what your child is learning!

Thanks +dataworksed  for the great step by step presentation.  Click the standard to be taken there:  5.OA.1&2

Also - Please don't forget to thank a Vet for their service and sacrifice for all of our freedoms.

Monday, November 9, 2015

1st Quarter Student Project Links

Without Further Adieu ...

Below you will find the links for the strategies we used in multiplication during the first quarter of  the year.  The students for the most part did a great job.  Keep in mind when using the paper slide show SOS from Discovery Education, it is a once and done kind of deal.  You may see words that don't match the pictures, or numbers that aren't 100% correct - but for a student lead instructional video - I couldn't be more proud of the work they submitted!

The Grid/Box Model for Multiplication

The Area Model for Multiplication

The Traditional Algorithm for Multiplication 

The Lattice Method Multiplication

The Area Model for Division

The Box Method for Division

The Cluster Strategy for Division

The Traditional Algorithm for Division (Long Division)

I hope that you feel more comfortable with the "new" math strategies that your students learned in class - as well as quite proud of their first video productions!  They wrote their own scripts, edited their own work with peers, rehearsed and recorded.  I can't wait to see what they will produce in the 2nd quarter!


Mr. Crouse

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Picture Day!

Don't forget!  Tomorrow is Picture Day!  Brush those teeth and practice that pretty smile!

Image result for recorders

Also - Recorder money and DC deposit is due!  The recorder money is due on Tuesday October 20th, and the deposit for the spring field trip will be $10 due on October 23rd.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Strategies for the 'New' Math- Multiplication! (it's the same numbers - just a different way of manipulating)

Many have had confusion about the 'new' strategies for math.  The truth is - they aren't new!  They are just not the way you and I originally learned to manipulate numbers.  So - here's a few links to help you or your students out with the 'new' math!  Hope it helps!  This post will focus on multiplication!  Click on the titles for an instructional video!

Clicking on the title below will take you to a Google Slide presentation that I created for a step by step look at the Area Model for multiplication - two digit by two digit.  

I hope this is helpful.  If you need anything else - please let me know.  Keep on the lookout for the division post coming -as well as videos of your students using the Discovery Education SOS strategy of paper slide videos to teach the strategies as well! 

Happy learning!

Catching Up and Looking Forward

So - It's been a few days, but wow have they been packed.  Below are some pictures from the DENAPALOOZA2015 in Albuquerque, New Mexico where lives were impacted, I had my first taste of presenting at such a DENevent, and highlighted at the top of 'the watermelon' is the lady who applied, organized, and worked to make it happen for the teachers of APS!
The APS DENAPALOOZA attendees and presenters.

The presenters went out for a 'tram' ride to the top of the mountain - a tram to some - a box on a string to others :-)

Myself with the living legend - Susan Bowdoin.  A true example of what hospitality, friendship, and mission can accomplish!

And then - it was back to the grindstone of Monday.  And what a Monday it was.  Parents showed interest in having a night class for math.  Parents expressed the desire to be able to help their students at home with their homework but didn't know the 'new math'.

Students leading parents through the lattice method for multiplication and the box method for division.
I am super excited about the positive feedback from the evening class.  One parent even asked if we would do this every week. 

Here is my response -- we will do this when and as needed.  YOU decide.  Let me know when there is an issue or a question and we will do an interest survey. I will either meet with you and your child one on one, or I will hold another small group evening class.  THANKS! for your support!

More to come!  Look for a post coming soon with video links to help with each of the 8 strategies we used for NBT (Numbers and Base Ten).  There will be four for multiplication and four for division.

As always - don't hesitate to reach out and connect.  

R. Crouse

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Link to my Symbaloo -- BOOKMARK THIS SITE!


Well -- last night Mrs. Benoy and myself hosted a parent interest meeting for our end-of-year- field trip to Washington, D.C.
The meeting went well and started promptly with nearly a dozen parents and students in the room.  (I think the students are surprised to see that our day doesn't end when they leave.)
The draft agenda was shared, the itinerary was shared, and the potential costs were discussed.  The passion for fundraising and making this trip happen for the students was shared by more than just the teachers -- and that IS exciting.  

-- So -- then it took an unexpected turn...
The pace of the curriculum was discussed.  The amount of homework was discussed.  The process for grading homework was discussed.  The high expectations of 5th grade were discussed.  The speed of coverage, the depth of coverage, and the method of reteaching what was covered was discussed.  
The RESULT ---
Parents left with a deeper understanding of what is happening this year, a clearer picture of our passion for teaching their students, and a desire to know more.  We will be hosting an afternoon math class for PARENTS/GUARDIANS - so that they are more able to help their students with the 'new math' which everyone is talking about - (side note - it's not new math - it's different processes for doing the same math)
Notifications and interest forms will go home on Monday in the Weekly Folders.  They need to be returned Tuesday because I would like to hold an approximately 45 minute class on the different strategies in multiplication and division -- this needs to be done before it is too far gone to be relevant!
I look forward to working with you in the near future on a 'whole 'nuther level!


Rodney Crouse

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Haste Makes Waste

Extra credit to any student who privately emails me the typo from the last post!

A Very Daunting Week...

I just got back from a relaxing full day away with my in-laws.  Once a year I get to see these people - and once a year they recharge my energy with the stories, laughter, and memories we share.  But- now back in N.C. - the week ahead is looming quite large.  Here's what's on tap...

Monday - parent conference after school and then 8:00pm meeting with Michael Queen relating to church stuff.
Tuesday - DENbassador program that I'm leading, followed by a 5th grade parent interest meeting for our overnight field trip to D.C.

Wednesday - half/day - but fooled you!  We have after school PD until 4 and then I have 3 hours to complete and post my plans for the following week because small group meets at 7:00ish.

Thursday - Curriculum night after school

Friday - Leave school at 2:25 to catch my flight from RDU to Albuquerque where I will be presenting Saturday and then flying back at 6:10am Sunday morning to start the week anew.

So - obviously I expect my students to do their best on the lessons I've invested time in, listen to the instructions I give, and participate in the activities planned.  Let's hope I can remember that I'm there because I want to be and that they are there because someone woke them up and told them they had to be -- for now.  Let's hope that soon they want to be there just as badly and will give their 110%!

I've got to say - this has been the hardest year to start back since I started my career 11 years ago, and at the same time - it has been the best so far.  I still have the friends I can lean on, I'm challenged to learn new things, and I'm with students who get my warped since of humor.

Here's to another week.

Parents reading this - make sure you have signed up for Remind  (the codes are in the previous post and your newsletter from last Tuesday) - and if you need help with it or Class DoJo - let me know!

Have a great week --

R. Crouse

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Remind Join Correction

Mistakes and Ooopses ...

One of the many things still in transition -- my accounts from 1st grade to 5th grade!

Please send a text message to 81010 with the message @b6031
When you respond please make sure that you clearly identify who you are in relation to the student you are associated with!

Thanks :-)

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day - and Parent Request :-)

Whew!  That's what I have to say about the second week of school - and thank goodness for a day off!  But - with the time at home of course I am up early working and planning on the week ahead. 

 My newest goal is to get everyone to connect on Remind so that I can efficiently and effectively contact a large portion of 5th grade parents with any pertinent information with an urgent nature.  For example - winter is just around the corner.  It's a typical Tuesday morning when you send your students off to school - then the clouds roll in and weather threatens to become treacherous - so they make the call to cancel school early.  In the district and buildings, we will typically hear of it just before the rest of the public - so with Remind - parents can be in the know just as quick.  That isn't the only reason of course!  Imagine we are on a field trip and something exciting happens, or we are running ten minutes late ... a simple text message can be sent from my phone -and instantly every parent is notified.  It's a free app and I promise NOT to overload you with text messages throughout the year.  Please consider signing up for Remind and joining my class.

Steps to join can be found here.

Simply - send a text message to 81010
               then, enter a message   @72d57

You can follow Remind on Twitter +Remind

Stay tuned to more from
Crouse's Curriculum and Connection Corner

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Open house was a success and the first week of school is already in the rear view mirror.  It is amazing how time passes so quickly.  So - here are a few of my take aways.  When looking for new technology to incorporate - be wary of free trials.  I uploaded QR codes into my welcome letter - and a week later, they are invalid.  Once the free trial was over - the codes were deactivated.  Now I'm left with two options - pay for the account and have the existing codes reactivated - or find a different company that might offer QR-coding for free.  The dilemma of a 21st century teacher!  The biggest success from open house night was incorporating Google Form surveys - by 7:15pm the same night as open house I knew what my parents wanted, my students' allergies, and the transportation home with emergency and working phone numbers!  This will definetly be a repeat for me every year for open house!  So - with that in mind, as the second week gets underway, let's keep the momentum moving and see how well the students move into online homework and blogging!
Stay tuned -
Mr. CrouseSuperHero

Monday, August 24, 2015

Updated Pacing Guide

UPDATE!  This is the current year's pacing guide for GCS in mathematics!  Hope this is useful!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Beginning to plan for first days 2015-2016

The potential pacing guide for 5th Grade math this year!

Pacing Guide

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Unit One
Understand the Decimal Place Value System
Duration: 15 days
Unit Two
Operations with Whole Numbers and Decimals
Duration: 15 days
Unit Three
Convert within a Given System and Display Data in a Line Plot
Duration: 15days

Unit Four
Classify 2-Dimensional Figures
Duration: 5 days
Unit Five
Understand Volume and Relate to Multiplication and Addition
Duration: 10 days
5.MD.3a, b
5.MD.5a, b, c
Unit Six
Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Decimals to Hundredths
Duration: 15 days

Unit Seven
Use Equivalent Fractions to Add and Subtract
Duration: 15 days
Unit Eight
Extend Understanding of Multiplication to Fractions
Duration: 20 days
5.NF.4a, b
5.NF.5a, b

Unit Nine
Extend Understanding of Division to Fractions
Duration: 18 days
5.NF.7a, b, c

Unit Ten
Write and Interpret Numerical Expressions
Duration: 7 days
Unit Eleven
Graph Points on the Coordinate Plane and Analyze Patterns
Duration: 10 days

5.NBT (all)
Duration: 10 days

5.NF (all)
Duration: 10 days

Duration: 15 days

Grade 5