Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Very Daunting Week...

I just got back from a relaxing full day away with my in-laws.  Once a year I get to see these people - and once a year they recharge my energy with the stories, laughter, and memories we share.  But- now back in N.C. - the week ahead is looming quite large.  Here's what's on tap...

Monday - parent conference after school and then 8:00pm meeting with Michael Queen relating to church stuff.
Tuesday - DENbassador program that I'm leading, followed by a 5th grade parent interest meeting for our overnight field trip to D.C.

Wednesday - half/day - but fooled you!  We have after school PD until 4 and then I have 3 hours to complete and post my plans for the following week because small group meets at 7:00ish.

Thursday - Curriculum night after school

Friday - Leave school at 2:25 to catch my flight from RDU to Albuquerque where I will be presenting Saturday and then flying back at 6:10am Sunday morning to start the week anew.

So - obviously I expect my students to do their best on the lessons I've invested time in, listen to the instructions I give, and participate in the activities planned.  Let's hope I can remember that I'm there because I want to be and that they are there because someone woke them up and told them they had to be -- for now.  Let's hope that soon they want to be there just as badly and will give their 110%!

I've got to say - this has been the hardest year to start back since I started my career 11 years ago, and at the same time - it has been the best so far.  I still have the friends I can lean on, I'm challenged to learn new things, and I'm with students who get my warped since of humor.

Here's to another week.

Parents reading this - make sure you have signed up for Remind  (the codes are in the previous post and your newsletter from last Tuesday) - and if you need help with it or Class DoJo - let me know!

Have a great week --

R. Crouse

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly enough, this has been the most exhausting start to a year for me too! Lotsa love and hugs!! You are AWESOME!!
