Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Well -- last night Mrs. Benoy and myself hosted a parent interest meeting for our end-of-year- field trip to Washington, D.C.
The meeting went well and started promptly with nearly a dozen parents and students in the room.  (I think the students are surprised to see that our day doesn't end when they leave.)
The draft agenda was shared, the itinerary was shared, and the potential costs were discussed.  The passion for fundraising and making this trip happen for the students was shared by more than just the teachers -- and that IS exciting.  

-- So -- then it took an unexpected turn...
The pace of the curriculum was discussed.  The amount of homework was discussed.  The process for grading homework was discussed.  The high expectations of 5th grade were discussed.  The speed of coverage, the depth of coverage, and the method of reteaching what was covered was discussed.  
The RESULT ---
Parents left with a deeper understanding of what is happening this year, a clearer picture of our passion for teaching their students, and a desire to know more.  We will be hosting an afternoon math class for PARENTS/GUARDIANS - so that they are more able to help their students with the 'new math' which everyone is talking about - (side note - it's not new math - it's different processes for doing the same math)
Notifications and interest forms will go home on Monday in the Weekly Folders.  They need to be returned Tuesday because I would like to hold an approximately 45 minute class on the different strategies in multiplication and division -- this needs to be done before it is too far gone to be relevant!
I look forward to working with you in the near future on a 'whole 'nuther level!


Rodney Crouse

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