Wednesday, November 25, 2015


 As We Enter This Season of ThanksI am ever so thankful for the opportunity to work with you and your students.  Take time to appreciate each other.  Take time to tell someone you love them.  Take time for you.

Below you will find a link to the +30hands video that summarizes our field trip today from the +Greensboro Science Center .  The Vandalia 5th graders made our school and district look good as they learned about matter, energy, and weather.  They had real time experience with the way octopi move through the water.  It was a great experience and I am proud to be a part of it!  Please enjoy the show!  - and again, Happy Thanksgiving - one and all!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Evaluating Numeric Expressions - 5.OA.1 and .2

Okay ---
It sounds scary - I know!  Operations and Algebraic expressions aren't as bad as they seem.  To get a head start on what is to come next week - take your student through these examples.  Feel free to comment below - start a conversation about what your child is learning!

Thanks +dataworksed  for the great step by step presentation.  Click the standard to be taken there:  5.OA.1&2

Also - Please don't forget to thank a Vet for their service and sacrifice for all of our freedoms.

Monday, November 9, 2015

1st Quarter Student Project Links

Without Further Adieu ...

Below you will find the links for the strategies we used in multiplication during the first quarter of  the year.  The students for the most part did a great job.  Keep in mind when using the paper slide show SOS from Discovery Education, it is a once and done kind of deal.  You may see words that don't match the pictures, or numbers that aren't 100% correct - but for a student lead instructional video - I couldn't be more proud of the work they submitted!

The Grid/Box Model for Multiplication

The Area Model for Multiplication

The Traditional Algorithm for Multiplication 

The Lattice Method Multiplication

The Area Model for Division

The Box Method for Division

The Cluster Strategy for Division

The Traditional Algorithm for Division (Long Division)

I hope that you feel more comfortable with the "new" math strategies that your students learned in class - as well as quite proud of their first video productions!  They wrote their own scripts, edited their own work with peers, rehearsed and recorded.  I can't wait to see what they will produce in the 2nd quarter!


Mr. Crouse